Meet the newest member of the ellyandgrace family!

If you don’t follow ellyandgrace on social media (and you totally should!), you might not know about the recent addition to our family!

Want to know about our miracle? Find that blog post here!

Grace Elaine was born on January 4th, 2020. 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and 20.5” long! She enjoys snuggling, moving her arms and legs, and eating her hands. 

To me, Grace is my living reminder that God is good and He hears our prayers. He might not answer them the way we want, or in our timing, but His timing is ALWAYS better than ours.

Sometimes, He might not answer our prayers at all. And we have to trust that He knows what is best for our lives, even when it's tough and we don't understand.

When I first started this company, I was needing a distraction from our inability to have a child. When I named the company, I named it ellyandgrace - elly for elephants, my favorite animal. Grace for God’s grace, and I knew that if I ever had a daughter, I would love to name her Grace. 

We are adjusting to this big change in our lives! I'm so thankful that we have an amazing team at ellyandgrace- they are continuing to print and ship your shirts with love!

So, I wanted to write this blog post for two reasons! I wanted to introduce the newest member of the ellyandgrace family, and I also wanted to encourage those of you who are going through difficult situations. God hears you!


  • Sheila Hutton

    She’s beautiful Brenna!! Congratulations, truly a gift from God!!

  • Connie Rook

    Congratulations! Grace is precious and God is good! So happy for you!

  • Kathleen

    She’s a beauty!! Warm and sincere congratulations!!

  • Rachael Marler

    Congratulations!! She is beautiful!!! God’s grace is so amazing!!!

  • Cindy Muir

    Grace is beautiful and so is our God. Blessings to you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!

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