What Yarn and I have in Common
👋🏻 I'm always trying to learn new creative things...and my most recent project is going to be creating some sort of punch needle or weaving wall art for Grace's room. So, I bought some beautiful yarn. 😍
I knew I had to ball it, because I didn't want it to get all tangled up...and I'm not sure what I did, but it got SO TANGLED in the process. So tangled I almost threw it away.

And I was getting SUPER frustrated. 😖 But, I kept trying. Making the ball a little at a time. Reflecting on everything that has been happening lately.
In the past week, Grace has decided she's kind of done napping on some days. I'm a planner, and that REALLY throws off my schedule. So, I've been feeling like a tangled mess. Enter this yarn. God used it to remind me of something important.
Do you ever feel like a tangled mess? And maybe you're tempted to think there's no way that you could ever be untangled?
The only one who can untangle us completely is God.
When we are frustrated, we should seek God.

“Family of Israel, you know that I can do the same thing with you. You are like the clay in the potter’s hands, and I am the potter.” This message is from the Lord. - Jeremiah 18:6
He is the potter, we are the clay. He is the weaver, we are the yarn.
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