Psalms for the Weary - Day 4: Psalm 23

Day 4: Psalm 23

1   The Lord is my Shepherd; I have what I need.

2   He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name's sake.

4   Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff - they comfort me. 

5   You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

6   Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.


Defined as "freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility"...(NOADictionary).
That's the first word that came to my mind while reading this Psalm. What word came to your mind while reading? We'd love to hear what the Lord laid on your heart here >> EllyandGrace Facebook Group 

Something to remember - 
1) He's all we need. 
    The Lord fills every void - there's nothing else in this world that can fill us up like He can. He guides us and leads us in all things, and it is with His goodness and grace that we can live a life without fear. It's interesting how many times this type of thing is said in the Bible over and over and over. 
     None of us know how the rest of 2020 is going to play out. It's quite frightening to think about, actually...but He does. Nothing surprises Him. Will you run to Him during these uncertain times or run from Him? Will you wallow in the darkness of fear or seek freedom in Him and His light?
     This Bible study is available to come back and visit anytime you need it. I'd love to pray for you all - 

Dear Heavenly Father, 
Thank you for these lovely ladies that found this blog - maybe through their email subscriptions, a share from a friend, or an online search. You brought them here for a reason, and I want to lift them up to You.
You know their needs.
You know their fears.
You know their frustrations.
Lord, please give their hearts and souls rest. This life here on earth can be weary and exhausting, as You know better than anyone. I ask that You fill them up with Your peace and ultimate comfort. I ask you bring them closer to You during this uncertain time and that You reveal Your presence to them, now more than ever.
Thank you for loving us, especially in our most difficult and weakest states. Thank you for being the Almighty God who cares...who sees...and who ultimately loves. You are so good. 



  • Lori Robinson Schommer

    What a great study group. The topic of being weary is definitely something I’m experiencing as I sent my youngest to college yesterday so my heart and mind are both weary with worry and sadness. Sadness of course about not getting to see her each day, but worried about the college environment in these times. I am grateful for this chance here to read the word of the Lord and to be refreshed and uplifted by its message.

  • Karen Savage

    Thank you so much for the Bible study and prayers these past few days it was very encouraging and renewing. The Lord’s reminders come from many different people in my life and the messages from your business be it a t shirt or a mug etc. have inspired me every time I wear or use them. This study was just another joyous addition to what you provide. I pray for the Lord’s continued blessings for you and your family and business. 🙏❤️

  • LOu ANne WIllis

    I truly enjoyed this bible study. I got a little behind but finished today. I hope you can do more of these. We all need this connection to God. Especially in these trying times we are in. God bless all at Elly and Grace!

  • Janet Weaver

    Thank you so much for this study. I really needed this.❤

  • Kathy S

    Thanks so much for doing this. I loved the short inspirational messages. Would love for you to do again!

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