Psalms for the Weary - Day 3: Psalm 30

Day 3: Psalm 30

1   I will exalt You, Lordfor You lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.

2    Lord my God, I called to You for help, and You healed me.

 You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead; You spared me from going down to the pit.

4   Sing the praises of the Lord, You His faithful people; praise His holy name.

5   For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

6   When I felt secure, I said, “I will never be shaken.”

7   Lord, when You favored me, You made my royal mountain stand firm; but when You hid Your face, I was dismayed.

8   To you, Lord, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy:

“What is gained if I am silenced, if I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise You? Will it proclaim Your faithfulness?

Hear, Lord, and be merciful to me; Lord, be my help.”

You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

that my heart may sing Your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise You forever.

Our God is SO good.  

How many times have you heard the end of verse 5, "Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning?" I've heard it in various forms, but the message stays the same.  There may be pain right now, but it doesn't last forever. And praise God for that! 

A few things to remember - 
1) He deserves praise during every hill and valley. 
    Some of my most powerful God moments have been in the worst of times. He's not a genie in a bottle who comes out just to give us what we want, then disappears. He's not a God who just created the world and said, "Good luck." He's a God that does life with us and doesn't leave us hanging. 
2) He brings wholeness that can't be found anywhere else. 
    We can search and search for the thing(s) that give us the fullest life, and none can match the wholeness the Lord brings. Everything else can be chaos, but our soul is at peace because of Him. 
3) He is the definition of mercy and grace. 
    God has every right to leave us in the depths of sin and darkness, but instead, He gives life and restores us from the inside out. When you've messed up, remember He is there waiting to hold you in the yuck. 

As you go about your day today, reflect on how God has held you in your lowest moments. Or maybe you're in a low moment right now. Pray for Him to show you His presence now more than ever. I promise, He's right there with you and has never left.
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    Just what I needed to bring my morning together!
    Now and forever…THANKS BE TO GOD!

  • Robin

    The past 3 days with this Bible study have been a welcomed beginning to my day. All 3 of the chapters chosen have been near to my heart. Praise God – Joy comes in the morning.

  • Tina Marie Stewart

    God is faithful. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for this study!

  • Alice Acuna

    I have enjoyed sharing these Psalms with my daughters. Thank you for sharing these bible readings with us.❤️

  • Denise

    Thank you for your messages. I’m feeling distant from God and need this encouragement.

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