Let's Talk About Worry

Have you ever prayed about a situation, then continued to worry about it, endlessly?

Then, the situation was resolved, and you were wondering why you spent



If you're nodding, know I'm right there with you.

It all comes down to this...

Do we trust God?

Do we trust Him to work everything out for our good?
(Romans 828, Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 17:7)

If the answer is yes (and the answer IS yes)...we have to let our actions and minds follow what we believe.

We can't pick back up what we have already given to God.

Practically though, what does this look like?

>> Actively telling ourselves to stop worrying about the situation.
>> Stopping ourselves and praying about it instead.
>> Meditating on God's Word, and letting His Word fill our minds so that the worry doesn't have room.
>> Listening to worship music (and letting it get stuck in our heads) so that we don't have any room for worst-case scenario-ing.

It's hard. It takes practice. 

But trusting Jesus
is worth it.


  • Julie Gee

    Thank you! I really need to
    practice this! I am, it’s hard, but is starting to get easier!

  • Becky

    Thank you Brenna for this reminder about worrying. I needed it more than you could possibly know.

  • Peggy Fye

    So very true. Thank you….

  • Tram

    Oh, how I needed to hear this today! God bless you, friends!

  • Anita Ward

    I lost my precious husband and the Spartanburg Regional Hospice House on December 4th, 2022 due to effects of Agent Orange and PTSD due to his service in Vietnam! I am still a nervous wreck driving my car, our kids have put everything on auto-pay because my Frank had been paying all the bills on his computer! I live alone now, but thank goodness I still have our pup River girl and our kids live close to me! I have some of your shirts now and absolutely love them! I am still journaling about losing my Frank using my Bible to journal, I love all of your shirts and plan to buy some more soon, but thank you for posting about “worrying about everything” it’s just like God sent me your post in His Timing!!!

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