How to Discover Your Purpose
Did you know God created you with a specific purpose that is unique to who you are?
Perhaps you’re clueless as to what that purpose is. You feel aimless and have been wandering through life without a whole lot of direction.
Maybe you have a vague idea but are uncertain how to get there. You know of a few things that light a fire in your heart but can’t seem to find a solid connection point.
I want to help you figure out your purpose, because I believe God’s heart is to see his children running the race, confident in their identity, ushering Heaven into their unique sphere of influence. Evaluate these four areas in your life to discover the purpose YOU were created for!
Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts inventory? Every believer is given specific gifts of the Holy Spirit to serve and build up the church. A few examples are Teaching, Wisdom, Leadership, and Mercy. You can easily access online resources available to help discover your gifts so that you can find your best fit in ministering to others. Once you know what your gifts are, you can develop them and explore new ways to express them.
What are your talents? Talents differ from gifts in that they are natural traits and skills we’ve developed (as opposed to supernatural God-given abilities). Are you musical? Can you knit? Are you amazing with kids? A stellar cook? Do you love photography or art? God can use your talents to find common ground with people, to serve in ministry roles, and to bless others. How might God want you to use your talents in a way that honors Him?
What breaks your heart? What do you get excited about? What do you love to do? God often uses our passions to lead us to action - to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world. Do you have a heart for adoption or fostering? Do you want to help bring clean water to poor communities? Do stories of the underground church inspire you? Then find a way to DO something about it. Locally or globally, there are organizations that exist to connect people who want to make a tangible difference.
Having a vision statement keeps us focused on what our life is all about. What are the most important things you want to spend your time doing? What REALLY matters? What do you stand for in life? Take some time to reflect on these questions and formulate a personal vision statement, then write it down. It will help you keep moving forward with purpose and give you insight to identify things that may not be the best use of your time and energy. A vision statement can guide your decision-making and minimize distractions, with your eyes fixed on the purpose God has created in your heart.
PS- We created this shirt as that reminder- you are created with a purpose in mind!

Hi, thank you for sharing this message. I’m 62 years old, recently moved to another state with my husband and have been searching for a new purpose in my life. We are both retired now but he won’t let me hoard kittens or shop full time at the Hobby Lobby so I’m really struggling. I’m going to write your suggestions down and see what I can come up with. I like to be super busy but I need to have passion in my purpose. Blessings Jody
YOU are so inspiring. Thank you for this note of encouragement as to look at our gifts to our Lord and Savior. I purchased a hat from you and there are so many others things I would like. Being on a limited income I have to purchase the things I want slowly. But, Thank You and May God Richly Bless You and Your Family
Thank you for this post. I have struggled for years to know what I was created for. Part of me is afraid to take the risk of following my heart. I will investigate some of these options!
Your messsage about how to find my purpose in life cane at the right time in my life. I have been thinking about that lately! Thank you for giving me the tools to work with to find that purpose! Have a blessed day. I love all your messages and your tshirts😀❤️
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