Do You have an Idol?
I remember hearing about the golden calf in Sunday School when I was a kid and thinking....
"who would do that?"
But idols can sneak up on us. Is there something keeping you from spending time with God or speaking about The Word?
It could be an idol.
If you're scrolling on your phone instead of doing your morning prayer time, it could an idol.
If you're too worried about what others say to speak about Jesus, their opinions could be your idol.
If you'd rather sleep in on Sundays and binge the latest Netflix series than go to church.....TV could be your idol.
We have to constantly be on guard against putting other things before God- and honestly, it's especially hard during the summer!
Are you struggling with an idol?
Yes I do get on Facebook n my phone way to much I’ll work on this habit Thank u for the message Terumipauley
My idol is Jesus Christ…my Lord and Savior…all else is rubbish.
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