3 Truths to Remember about God

We are living in a world that has been turned upside down in a short period of time. So much feels uncertain, the future is unknown, and everyday life has changed drastically for most of us. As I’ve been home with my family, navigating this new normal and all the adjustments we’ve had to make, I’ve also been fighting to see the good and looking for ways God is working in our situation. Just like anyone, I’ve had moments of anxiety, sadness, grief over the loss of normalcy, and loneliness. When I find myself spinning out of control, it helps me to re-center on the truth of who God is. May these reminders help you remember what is true when things seem to be falling apart:

  1. God is in control.

Although we didn’t start our year thinking there would be a worldwide pandemic, God was not surprised by anything that’s happened. His ways and His thoughts are higher than ours, He holds all things together, and He is sovereign over everything that happens on this earth. This is especially important to remember when it becomes strikingly evident that we are not in control. For some, losing that sense of control can lead to panic, fear, and crushing anxiety. The truth is, we were never in control to begin with. God wants us to live our lives surrendered to His plan, trusting that He is leading us every step of the way. This is when we need to lean in and ask Him to strengthen our faith even more, helping us believe that He’s got the whole world in His hands. 

  1. God is good.

I know this is a tough one, and I don’t have all the answers for the struggles many of us are wrestling with right now. We see all of the suffering and loss people are experiencing and wonder,How could a good God allow that?” We know that pain, sorrow, and hardship are an unavoidable part of life in a fallen world. God has permitted these things to be present in the human experience, and yet He does not desire for one person to perish apart from Him. Over and over scripture tells us that He is with us through the valleys and deep waters, that He will comfort us when we mourn, that He brings good out of situations where the enemy intends to harm us. He uses the difficult times to bring us back to Him and form a deeper trust in His love. Can you choose to stand on that today, believing that God is for you and not against you, that He cares deeply for you and is working on your behalf - even if your current circumstances seem to contradict that? 

  1. God is able.

Friends, our God is a God of miracles. His word says He has power over diseases and every weapon formed against us, and He can heal with just a word. Now is the time to believe and pray in faith for those afflicted by this COVID-19 crisis, whether physically, financially, relationally, or emotionally. Bring your needs to Him and ask Him to provide. Philippians 4:6-7 says,”Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Make prayer your first response when you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know what to do. When we ask in faith, laying our burdens down at His feet, He hears us and gives us peace as we await His answer. 



    Thank you for your message of hope in this crazy world!

  • Cat

    Amen, Sister!! I needed to hear God’s word’s of encouragement through you tonight. Thank you for speaking truth to me and to others!

  • Lisa

    Thank you for sharing I much needed this♥

  • Donna Vaughn

    We are so blessed to have a company such as yours. I really enjoyed reading your words of wisdom. Thank you!

  • Debbie Grimm

    Can this be shared ? This is very powerful.🙏

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